Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Right Mind Frame

The best thing to happen to my real estate investment business occurred last month. I have been following a group called the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) for about three years now. Over that time I have read every book that Don R. Campbell put out, as well as his blogs, tweets, etc.  However, I was always hesitant to join the actual network. After all a get rich slowly scheme talking about $100/door cash flow gets slower when you pay $200/month to a network.

Well last month as I was contemplating buying a property in Calgary I ended up feeling like I was in way over my head. I felt like I would never feel prepared enough to make the leap. Real estate is my whole plan. A plan I still strongly believed in, but started to feel like it was slipping out of my fingers. So I made the plunge and paid $97 for a chance to attend ONE real estate workshop. 

My secret plan was to pick a few brains and get the answers I wanted for free and get away without signing up to join the network. That plan failed. Maybe if hadn't let my fear of networking get the best of me, it might have worked. I must say that I am not sad it failed though. 

Everyone I spoke to was happy they joined. Whether it was a year ago or ten! The commitment required is only 17 months, yet most members I spoke to had been members for a number of years. I talked to people with no doors, people with 8 or 9, or upwards of 40 doors! Every single person I spoke to was glad that they had become a member. That sold me on the group more than anything else.

Well to make a long story shorter I joined that night! I'm sure many of you will think I am foolish for parting with the money, but so much has improved already. The people I'm introduced to to be a part of my power team are head and shoulders above everyone I've worked with before. They understand my business because they do it as well. Plus the information I get at each workshop is amazing! And how can you doubt yourself about making money in real estate when you are surrounded by people that are making it happen?

At the last meeting I learned about electrical issues in older homes and how to manage the eviction process. However the best thing I learned that night (or for that matter ever before) was that it is OK to be successful. It is OK to believe that I am worthy enough for someone else to entrust their hard earned money with me. It sounds so simple yet I was blown away! If I don't believe I am worthy and I add value to the deal, then how can I expect anyone else to believe in me?

I still have a long road to go, and I still have a lot to learn, but I do believe I add a lot of value to the partnership. Years of research, I am a part of network of other investors that want to see each other succeed, and I have an amazing team of professionals that I include as part of the deal. I follow the market to see when and where to buy and when it's time to get out. Plus of course, dealing with all the paperwork, advertising, etc. The list goes on and on. After all the work I have already been through just trying to buy my first property, I can now definitely see the value I bring to the table.

I now feel confident that I can reach my goals and help others fulfil their dreams as well. Once this first deal is complete I am eager to get onto the next deal and make someone else's dream a reality!